Why unlocking digital transformation through modern active/active data infrastructures is a gamechanger
Over the past twelve months, we have seen an acceleration of digital transformation like never before. And it shows no sign of stopping. Businesses are driving digital programs that reduce the need for physical presence or human intervention. We are seeing a whole new layer of vital business continuity that strengthens systems enabling them to handle unprecedented human and technical …
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Changing attitudes to AI and the opportunities to utilize new technologies during the pandemic
Before 2020, the growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning was already ramping up. But with the unpredictable circumstances that we have experienced during the past 18 months, how has this changed? Has the demand increased, or perhaps even reduced? Some industries have pushed ahead with their use of AI and machine learning, but plenty of others have seen …
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Four things companies need to consider when choosing a low-code cloud solution
In 2020, the move to low-code platforms with cloud capabilities took on a new evolutionary imperative as the pandemic made going fully digital no longer a choice, but instead a matter of survival. Many companies scrambled to keep up with a global digital revolution by buying tools that would help them quickly undergo a digital transformation or augment existing business …
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Setting the agenda: Innovation within the energy sector needs to ‘up its game’
Energy is the crux that makes our world go round. For decades, the sector has functioned in one way and one way only – by the use of fossil fuels. But the damage caused is taking its toll on our planet. Society has a huge part to play in reconsidering its consumption; from driving cars on short, walkable journeys to …
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Why today is the perfect time to prepare for a 5G revolution
For several years, 5G has promised to transform connectivity for the better. The technology is designed to provide a high-speed, high-bandwidth connection free of wires and geographical constraints — but it hasn’t been fully rolled out in many areas, and experts doubt it will be anytime soon. Despite this doubt, 5G implementation has continued steadily in recent years, moving closer …
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Navigating the bumpy road to ethical AI
AI is everywhere and the potential is incredible, but as the saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility. Unfortunately, the likes of Uber’s “God” mode or Deliveroo’s rider “Hunger Games” with its now deemed discriminatory algorithm, have both become infamous examples of what not to do. Across all sectors, organizations are increasingly turning to AI to overcome business challenges …
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Leveraging cyberpsychology in our fight against cybercrime
Technology such as social media has fundamentally transformed our world, shaping our lives and relationships in novel and interesting ways. Often this is for the better. For example, technology has enabled the shift to remote working and allowed us to stay in touch with loved ones throughout the pandemic. It has also worked to provide businesses, individuals, artists and politicians …
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AI-powered Integrated Business Planning is crucial to post-Covid recovery
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has moved out of the lab into the boardroom. From analyzing and predicting customer behavior to powering operational automation, the benefits of using AI in global enterprises are now well-proven. Indeed, adoption is rising quickly. A recent study by McKinsey has found that businesses plan to invest even more in AI in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, …
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Digital transformation: How Covid-19 revolutionised healthcare
Covid-19 has been a catalyst for digital transformation across the board, but the sector that experienced this most acutely is healthcare. The sudden influx of patients and the sudden rise in demand for care caused by the virus exposed just how inefficient paper-based and legacy IT systems were. With vaccinations being rolled-out, and an end to lockdown restrictions finally in …
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What you really need to know about private enterprise networks
To build or buy? That is a question that every business considers for nearly everything, from trucks to office spaces. Today, enterprises are increasingly asking the same question about cellular: Should they get service from a mobile operator or become operators themselves? Private cellular networks aren’t a new concept. For example, electric utilities such as Alliander have deployed 3G CDMA …
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