More Brits are planning to start their own business this year
Despite the Covid-19 pandemic wreaking havoc among entrepreneurs, many have not been discouraged and will start even more businesses this year. A new report from NatWest found that these people will need all the help they can get to make things work. Partnering with various business schools and universities across the country, the bank polled some 9,400 adults, and discovered …
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Digital transformation needs to start with DDI
Any digital transformation project, if managed correctly, should be an enterprise-wide endeavor, touching every department and process. Although the term has existed for years, what is meant by digital transformation today is a shift away from the hardwired and hardware-driven infrastructure and towards the software-defined networks and cloud tech that enable businesses to adapt and scale at an increasingly rapid …
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Five strategies for businesses to jump start 5G digital transformation
5G certainly had its moment in the spotlight in 2020. From Huawei’s removal from UK infrastructure to Ericsson leading the UK’s nationwide deployment, it has certainly been a talking point from a political, economic and consumer perspective. But, how can businesses realize the potential of 5G? We read a lot about how it is going to transform our lives, from …
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Corporate data breaches have skyrocketed since the start of the pandemic
Since the majority of the workforce traded the office for a home working environment, the number of data incidents has increased by a fifth. This is according to a new report from digital marketing firm Reboot Online, which says that, in most cases, former executives and employees are behind the breaches. Reboot polled roughly 1,200 business owners and employees across …
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More businesses willing to place trust in cloud since start of pandemic
A new report from cloud storage provider pCloud shows just how important cloud solutions have been during the pandemic. Polling 1,500 businesses in the UK, France and Germany, pCloud found that two thirds have more trust in the ability of cloud to keep their business running than before the pandemic. Further, 69 percent expect home working to be the default …
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The future of OOH; why now is the time to really start thinking about data in out-of-home advertising
The impact of data can be felt across every industry. Whether it’s researchers using data to teach AI algorithms how to detect cancer more effectively than doctors currently can, or power companies using Big Data from sensors to reduce energy waste and tackle climate change, companies are increasingly turning to technology for valuable business insights. As a result, the amount …
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How to beat fear and start transforming work
With cash flow and normal business kicked into a cocked hat, many organizations have clenched up and hunkered down, hoping for normality to return. However, a crisis has always proven to be the best time for driving a mandate for change – and one that would never happen in normal times. What we also learned from the 2008-11 global financial …
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