Remote work is a huge priority for workers everywhere now

Now that the Covid-19 has shown remote working is a viable option, many employees don’t want to give up on their newfound working model, according to a new report from PwC called “Next in work”.  Polling some 1,000 employees and just shy of 800 business leaders, PwC found that employees now demand more flexibility, higher salaries, and a better balance …

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Many workers of colour don’t feel comfortable going back to the office

As the Delta variant of the Covid-19 disease continues to spread, businesses are getting ready to invite their employees back into the office. This idea does not sit well with many workers around the world, and a new report claims that the majority of people of colour aren’t comfortable with the thought of coming back. HR firm Workhuman has published …

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Many workers ignore security risks to maximize productivity

A large proportion of employees often take shortcuts to optimize productivity at work, despite understanding the security risks, new data suggests. According to security company ThycoticCentrify, which polled 8,000 workers worldwide, almost four in five (79%) have engaged in one or more “risky activity” in the past twelve months. In a third of cases (35%), this involved saving passwords to …

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Most workers want more AI in the workplace

Employee attitude towards Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the workplace seems to be shifting, with workers now calling for deeper adoption of the technology in their everyday routines. A report from SnapLogic polling 400 office workers in the US and the UK found that more than two-thirds (68 percent) called upon their employers to deploy more AI-based technology. At the moment, …

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Not all UK workers are keen to go back to the office

A growing number of UK workers are becoming more keen to head back to the office, although the figure is still nowhere near an overwhelming majority, new research has found. A survey from Sharp found widely different opinions between different age groups when it came to support for heading back in to the office. The company quizzed 6,000 office workers …

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Notification overload is majorly harming UK workers

Having more applications and communications tools doesn’t necessarily mean being more productive in the workplace, or at home – and in fact can actually mean the exact opposite for many UK workers.  A report from software firm Advanced, based on a poll of just above 1,000 employees, has found that two-thirds (68 percent) get so many notifications and messages during …

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Many financial workers are still way behind on their tech knowledge

Finance departments in UK businesses seem to be stuck firmly in the past, as many haven’t modernized their practices in decades. This is according to a report from business process automation solutions providers Invu, called “The Covid-19 stress test for business: an accelerator for change”. Based on a poll of 210 business decision-makers working in organizations of varying sizes, the …

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Workers are still falling for obvious phishing attacks

Regardless of how obvious a phishing attempt may be, some employees will still happily click away, putting themselves and their organization at risk of data theft. This is according to a new report from cybersecurity firm KnowBe4, which claims phishing email attacks related to HR topics (for example, an email discussing new policies affecting everyone in a company) are still …

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Too many workers are still falling victim to phishing attacks

Organizations that don’t educate their employees on the dangers of phishing are putting themselves at risk, a report from security training platform KnowBe4 claims. The company recently tested employees to see how likely they were to fall for a phishing scam and found that that almost a third (31.4 percent) failed to identify such an attack.  Phishing is a type …

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Almost all workers will be required to learn new digital skills in the next decade

By the time we hit 2030, almost all workers in the UK (90 percent) will be required to learn new digital skills in order to do their jobs, a new report from CRM provider Salesforce and analyst firm IDC argues. In order to train such a vast number of workers, the country will need to spend approximately $1.8 billion every …

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