Why digital transformation for enterprises relies on 5G private networks
Enterprises are continually seeking ways to improve business outcomes. Productivity, operational efficiency, quality, cost, workplace safety, revenue growth and sustainability are all areas that dictate the success or failure of a business. To realize such outcomes, an outstanding digital infrastructure is essential. 5G is the technology that promises to enable new services and applications that will allow enterprises to address …
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Cybercriminals are making a killing selling access to business networks
Hackers are earning massive amounts of money selling access to compromised networks on the dark web, a new paper from cyber threat intelligence firm IntSights asserts. The company’s researchers sifted through both Russian and English-speaking dark web forums and found that attackers often sell access to compromised networks to other groups. Sometimes they found they were not skilled enough to …
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UK lagging behind on implementing remote networks
When it comes to adopting Zero Trust security measures, UK firms are falling well behind the rest of the world, a new report from ManageEngine has found. Polling 1,210 IT professionals worldwide, including 302 in the UK for its 2021 Digital Readiness Survey report, ManageEngine found that just above a quarter (27 percent) of UK organisations have implemented Zero Trust …
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How private 5G networks are providing the key to tomorrow’s high-quality connectivity
5G is anticipated to be one of, if not the most adopted technology by enterprises in the coming decade, providing the foundation for true connected experiences. By 2024, , the number of 4G devices in use is expected to decline from 305.5 million to 154.2 million, while the number of devices using 5G (either partially or exclusively) will rise to …
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Ransomware operators often purchase access to corporate networks
Cybercriminals that manage to break into corporate networks are rarely the ones to conduct ransomware attacks, new research from Proofpoint reveals. Instead, according to the security firm, “first-stage” attackers usually sell network access on the black market to other groups, who then deliver the malicious payload. What’s more, multiple groups often use the same malware to distribute their ransomware. “Cybercriminal …
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What you really need to know about private enterprise networks
To build or buy? That is a question that every business considers for nearly everything, from trucks to office spaces. Today, enterprises are increasingly asking the same question about cellular: Should they get service from a mobile operator or become operators themselves? Private cellular networks aren’t a new concept. For example, electric utilities such as Alliander have deployed 3G CDMA …
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