Many companies are still failing on customer experiences
Businesses are spending hundreds of thousands of dollars evaluating their customer experience, but even when they discover friction points, they do very little to address them. As a result, they’re missing out on countless repeated customer engagements, and eventually, on higher profits. This is according to a new report from enterprise software specialists IFS which polled more than 1,700 executives …
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Most enterprises are failing to use data to create value for customers
Although the effective use of data can go a long way to improving customer experience, only a minority of businesses are managing to achieve their data goals, new research shows. A report from database company DataStax states that, while almost all (96%) enterprises have a formal data strategy in place, just 38% claim they are able to use data to …
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Traditional ransomware defenses are failing businesses
Traditional cybersecurity strategies are failing to protect organizations from ransomware attacks, new research suggests. According to a paper from storage firm Cloudian, based on a poll of 200 IT decision-makers whose businesses recently suffered ransomware attacks, 54 percent of all victims had their employees go through anti-phishing training. Furthermore, almost half (49 percent) had perimeter defenses set up at the …
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Security training policies failing to keep pace with change at many businesses
Businesses are struggling to establish cybersecurity training practices that keep up with the pace of change, resulting in heightened exposure to cyberattacks. This is according to a new report from Fujitsu, which also states that the attitude of employees is not helping the situation, as many are not eager to engage with cybersecurity teams. The report states that more than …
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Businesses failing to understand the value of IoT
An increasing number of manufacturers no longer understand the business value that the Internet of Things can bring to the table, a new report by Ubisense argues. The software company polled 300 managers, directors and high-level executives from the industrial manufacturing community in the UK, USA, France and Germany, and published the results in its “A lost year for IoT …
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Businesses failing to adhere to data protection best practices
While most businesses understand they should be encrypting customer data, the reality is a little different, according to a new report from the Ponemon Institute. The report states that most organizations consider encrypting customer data the most important security practice. However, businesses are more likely to encrypt financial records, payment-related data, employee/HR data, and intellectual property instead. The Ponemon Institute …
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Companies are failing to meet their digital potential
If businesses are to thrive, they will need to become Autonomous Digital Enterprises (ADEs), a new report from software solutions provider BMC suggests. However, at the moment, most businesses are a long way from fulfilling their digital potential. Polling 1,200 business and IT decision-makers, across more than 20 industries and 11 countries, BMC found that businesses practice about two-fifths of …
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Businesses failing to capitalize on their data
Most businesses believe they understand the value of real-time data analytics, but a new report from KX suggests many are missing out on potential gains. Based on a poll of 600 professionals and IT decision makers from various industries, the report states less than a third (31 percent) think about real-time analytics at the second, or sub-second level. For the …
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