IT security threats are taking more time to remedy than ever

Threats to the security of IT infrastructure have never taken longer to eliminate, a new report from LogMeIn claims.

Polling 400 IT and IT security professionals from companies with up to 3,000 employees, the firm found that more than half (54 percent) are spending increasingly more time managing IT security threats and developing new security protocols.

Last year, roughly a third of IT pros spent their entire day on IT security, rising to almost half (47 percent) this year.

This is not just due to hackers and criminals becoming smarter – it’s also about the Covid-19 pandemic shifting the majority of the workloads online, as well as issues posed by BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) and BYOA (Bring Your Own Access) initiatives. Today, IT professionals must not only protect their organization’s IT infrastructure, but employees’ devices too.

IT security teams are focused predominantly on data breaches, but also need to juggle various malware threats, ransomware and risky employee behaviors.

While in 2018, 40 percent of IT pros said they were worried about a cloud-related data breach, this year 53 percent saw it as a “top security concern”.

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