As businesses comes to terms with the fact that remote working isn’t going anywhere, they have started to invest in new technologies to maintain high-quality client, employee, and partner communications.
This is the conclusion of a new report from audio solutions provider EPOS, which states that audio remains a key element of remote working communication that is still being served by consumer-grade solutions. As a result, background noise, interference and poor audio quality are all common issues faced by remote workers.
Most organizations are aware of the problem, with 56 percent of the global decision-makers surveyed seeing high quality audio gear as “essential” to their business, while a further third consider it “desirable”. Overall, the vast majority of decision-makers believe audio gear has become more important than it was two years ago.
To tackle this pain point, many businesses have started to invest in high-end audio equipment, EPOS said, adding that there was a “palpable urgency” to the matter.
Most business leaders are allegedly willing to pay a premium to get ahead, especially those in telecoms and utilities, hospitality, financial services, IT and digital industries.
An average investment increase of 26 percent can be expected across sectors, with the finance sector seeing the largest increase at 31 percent.